Campfire Chat – May 2015

Jim Cull gave financial report: $2,242.18..

Allen informed campers of various changes. The barrels, for dropping off cans, was placed on the west side of the dumpster. It makes that area look a little better. There was some discussion about the fish remains placed in the dumpster, unwrapped. It is illegal to throw those into the lake. If you place those in the dumpster, please wrap and place in a bag to help with the smell for the people that have campsites close to the dumpster. We are discussing various ways to take care of that particular problem.

Ken and Sue donated a 55 inch tv to the clubhouse, a bar-b-q grill and they purchased a pontoon trailer for campground use. Thank you so very much. Ken attended the May camper meeting and answered some concerns, presented by campers, and advised of plans to inform campers when their unit or site needed attention.

The plans for May were finalized and some discussion for June events.

There is a calendar, on the website and on face book for the month of May.

May 23 (Saturday)—-Poker run at 1:00 P.M. Sign up at Lot #69 (Jim and Barb Wentworth) before 1:00. The charge is $2.00 per person. This is not per golf cart. If you have 5 people on the cart, they can each participate, they just purchase a sheet. There will be check stations, just look for the orange cones. The orange cones mean you must get that person to initial your sheet, to prove you were there. It is a lot of fun so come and join in.

Karaoke will be from 7:00 to 9:00. Ron Pennybacker will DJ the event at the clubhouse breezeway.

May 24 (Sunday) 8:00 P.M. The annual boat float. Keith, Wendy, Skip and Sue so kindly allowed us to use their sites Lots #48 and #49, for the service and loading boats. Keith advises there will be a table set up to place the boats on for the candles to be put on. Jim and Barb Wentworth will pick up the boats, in their boat, and launch from out in the lake. There will be a service and the military members, past and present, will be acknowledged. Anyone, that desires, should make a boat. The boat should be made of bio-degradable material and please make the boat weigh as little as possible, this makes it easier for Jim and Barb to launch them from their boat. Dave and Denise Huffman have agreed to perform the service for us, as they have in the past. This has been an annual event for many years.

Pete and Mary have volunteered to do a 50/50 the week-end and the drawing will be during the Sunday night event. Don’t miss out on your chance to win half of what is collected.


Events for the month of June were planned:

June 6—-Fishing Derby. Anyone 15 years of age and under can participate. The derby will run from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. Poles and bait will be furnished. Sign up at Lot #69 (Jim and Barb Wentworth) by 10:00 A.M. Prizes will be awarded, to boys and girls, in categories of biggest, smallest and most.

June 6— Camper Meeting 2:00 P.M.

Bingo 7:00 P.M.

June 13—Father’s Day Dinner at 5:00 P.M. at the clubhouse. Chicken and ham will be furnished. Bring a covered dish to share and enjoy a good meal.

June 20—-Pancake and Sausage breakfast. Also will be biscuits and gravy. If you wish to bring something to share you may do so but it is not necessary. So just come up and enjoy a good breakfast.

Monte Carlo: 7:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.

At the April camper’s meeting, it was decided that instead of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day raffles, we would do a combination of raffle and 50/50 for the 4th of July week-end. We have had a few items donated, toward the raffle. If you have something you are able to donate please see Allen or Wanda. The proceeds from this week-end will help to pay for the fire works. Any donations, of any item, for male or female, will be greatly appreciated. You will be able to purchase a ticket for the raffle or the 50/50 or both.

Allen did touch on some plans for the fireworks. There will be more information later.

We hope everyone has a very nice holiday week-end.

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