Campfire Chat October 2015

This edition  is by Ken Hegemann(editor)

The modification of our web site has been put into service.  It is 90% complete.

According to my records.  the idea of having a newsletter or way of communicating with the campers was started by Butch Clough in 2003.

We need two volunteers to be correspondents for the news that should go into the editions of Campfire Chat.  All you have to do is gather the news and e-mail to Ken for publishing.

The web site now list available campsites and available boat docks.

The calendar for event etc. now has the ability to explain the activity.  When looking at an event simply click on it to see the details of the event.

The Hayride and Halloween party were held on Saturday Oct. 17.  Thanks to Tom Jung(C79) for the wagon and the straw.  Thanks also to Pete and Mary Mays (78) for the candy bags that were handed out.  Pizza was  served to the attendees.  Although the attendance was  low a good time was had by all.

Manager Tom has made available  a place to dispose of leaves.  The place is in the woods to the left of the entrance to the East pathway.  Tom will mark the spot. We ask that you do not set the leaves on fire

The current balance in the campers activity fund as of October 21, 2015 is $791.94 .A special thank you goes out to Jim Cull for taking care of the activity fund.

We understand that Kathy Cotrell (C68) has had hip surgery and is doing very well. She plans to have hip surgery on the other hip in six weeks or so.

Alan Huddleston (C67  is at home since August and is doing much better.  He goes in on November the  8th. to begin  a transition period for a later liver transplant..

Enjoy your off season and don’t forget the winter get together on January  23, 2016 at the Oak Tree.  If you have some idea’s or things you would like to see on the web site, please e-mail Please no offensive items.

Thanks to all who have made this camping season a success in this time of transition from one manager to another.  And thanks to Manager Tom for stepping forward to fill the void left by Alan and Wanda.

by: Ken





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