As you may know Allen and Wanda Huddleston have resigned as campground managers. Allen’s health is such that is makes it very difficult for him to continue. Allen has been manager since mid-2011 and we wish him improved health and hope that without the stress of the manager’s position he can get well.

The manager’s position will be filled by Tom Hoying. You may know Tom as the owner and operator of the Oak Tree restaurant. We ask that you continue to volunteer, be helpful and understanding as we move forward from this point. You can contact Tom at the above listed phones and e-mail. Of course you can always contact Ken at the above listings as well.

Joe and Maria Schirtzing have agreed to be the keepers of the calendar and the July calendar will be available on the website.

Jim Cull will continue as the treasurer of the campers’ activity fund.

We sure hope that the rainy season is behind us and that we can finally recover from the flood waters. Many campers have taken the opportunity to make improvements to their campsite. We are appreciative of this work. We continue to work and repair boat docks. We have repaired roadways with an application of aggregate. Several trees have been removed.

We also have noted that the campgrounds has become a meeting place for young children and young adults from the surrounding area as well as from outside of the immediate area. This has been especially true in the club house area. We have taken the following action in this regards. We have had a discussion with Mr. Lenhart, the sheriff of Shelby County. We now have posted signs at the club house area that the campgrounds, the patio and the club house are for campers only. We have also changed the locking system on the club house. For the new code please call Tom or Ken. Please punch in the code and then the tru-bolt key to gain access. When leaving the club house just push tru-bolt. Please do not give this code to others. Also we have e-mailed or mailed the code to campers.

Please note events on the calendar as shown on the website. On July 10, 17, 24 and 31 will be Texas Hold-Em at 7:30 PM. Campers’ meeting is Sat. July 11 at 2:00 PM. On July 25th will be Fun and Games and a cake walk. Cakes can be donated for this event.

Have a good day!

– Tom and Ken

A message from Ken and Sue Hegemann

To: Our wonderful Lotus Cove Campers

From time to time it has been necessary to make changes in so far as how the campgrounds is managed and operated. This is one of those times. Unfortunately Allen and Wanda Huddleston, due to Allen’s health, will, as of July 6, 2015 retire as campground managers. Allen and Wanda have been our managers since mid-2011 and we hate to see them retire and at the same time we have all been aware of Allen’s health situation. It is important that Allen get well and this can better happen when he does not have the added stress of managing the campgrounds. We wish Allen and Wanda the best and hope that they remain in the campgrounds as long as they care to be.

The manager’s position is not a full time job, yet it is an important job that requires close attention to the campers and the campgrounds. We have asked Mr. Tom Hoying to be our campgrounds manager, beginning on July 6, 2015. Tom as you probably know is also the owner operator of the Oak Tree restaurant and as such is in a position to be attentive to the campgrounds. This will break with a tradition of having one our campers taking over as manager. We ask that you continue to volunteer, be helpful and understanding as we move forward from this point.

If you have any questions or have suggestions at this time please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail.

Thank you for camping at Lotus Cove.

Ken Hegemann and Sue Hegemann

Jim Cull gave financial report: $2,242.18..

Allen informed campers of various changes. The barrels, for dropping off cans, was placed on the west side of the dumpster. It makes that area look a little better. There was some discussion about the fish remains placed in the dumpster, unwrapped. It is illegal to throw those into the lake. If you place those in the dumpster, please wrap and place in a bag to help with the smell for the people that have campsites close to the dumpster. We are discussing various ways to take care of that particular problem.

Ken and Sue donated a 55 inch tv to the clubhouse, a bar-b-q grill and they purchased a pontoon trailer for campground use. Thank you so very much. Ken attended the May camper meeting and answered some concerns, presented by campers, and advised of plans to inform campers when their unit or site needed attention.

The plans for May were finalized and some discussion for June events.

There is a calendar, on the website and on face book for the month of May.

May 23 (Saturday)—-Poker run at 1:00 P.M. Sign up at Lot #69 (Jim and Barb Wentworth) before 1:00. The charge is $2.00 per person. This is not per golf cart. If you have 5 people on the cart, they can each participate, they just purchase a sheet. There will be check stations, just look for the orange cones. The orange cones mean you must get that person to initial your sheet, to prove you were there. It is a lot of fun so come and join in.

Karaoke will be from 7:00 to 9:00. Ron Pennybacker will DJ the event at the clubhouse breezeway.

May 24 (Sunday) 8:00 P.M. The annual boat float. Keith, Wendy, Skip and Sue so kindly allowed us to use their sites Lots #48 and #49, for the service and loading boats. Keith advises there will be a table set up to place the boats on for the candles to be put on. Jim and Barb Wentworth will pick up the boats, in their boat, and launch from out in the lake. There will be a service and the military members, past and present, will be acknowledged. Anyone, that desires, should make a boat. The boat should be made of bio-degradable material and please make the boat weigh as little as possible, this makes it easier for Jim and Barb to launch them from their boat. Dave and Denise Huffman have agreed to perform the service for us, as they have in the past. This has been an annual event for many years.

Pete and Mary have volunteered to do a 50/50 the week-end and the drawing will be during the Sunday night event. Don’t miss out on your chance to win half of what is collected.


Events for the month of June were planned:

June 6—-Fishing Derby. Anyone 15 years of age and under can participate. The derby will run from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. Poles and bait will be furnished. Sign up at Lot #69 (Jim and Barb Wentworth) by 10:00 A.M. Prizes will be awarded, to boys and girls, in categories of biggest, smallest and most.

June 6— Camper Meeting 2:00 P.M.

Bingo 7:00 P.M.

June 13—Father’s Day Dinner at 5:00 P.M. at the clubhouse. Chicken and ham will be furnished. Bring a covered dish to share and enjoy a good meal.

June 20—-Pancake and Sausage breakfast. Also will be biscuits and gravy. If you wish to bring something to share you may do so but it is not necessary. So just come up and enjoy a good breakfast.

Monte Carlo: 7:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.

At the April camper’s meeting, it was decided that instead of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day raffles, we would do a combination of raffle and 50/50 for the 4th of July week-end. We have had a few items donated, toward the raffle. If you have something you are able to donate please see Allen or Wanda. The proceeds from this week-end will help to pay for the fire works. Any donations, of any item, for male or female, will be greatly appreciated. You will be able to purchase a ticket for the raffle or the 50/50 or both.

Allen did touch on some plans for the fireworks. There will be more information later.

We hope everyone has a very nice holiday week-end.

Financial Report— $1,611.10

Camper’s Meeting:  Appreciation was given for all the great help and participation through the camping season.

The final discussion about the Halloween Party.

Allen noted the loss of one of our campers, Cora Freisthler.  Our sympathy to her family.

Allen told the campers that he would try to wait until the end of October to turn off the water, depending on the weather.

The Winter get-together was voted for January at the Oak Tree.

It was decided that we would not do an Easter Egg Hunt next year since it comes so early.  Also, Ken advised that was the same Saturday being considered for their Spring Dinner.

Campers voted to bring back the Kwikfire Band for the 4th of July and Labor Day week-end.  The bands have to be booked a year prior to insure the availability.

The schedule was made for April 2015.  Camper Meeting and Bingo for April 11 and campground Welcome Back Dinner for April 25.

Ken was then given the floor.  He gave quite a bit of information on the history behind the campground and surrounding area.  He gave an explanation of the reasons for his decision to keep the standing the same as they were.  He explained why he did not see reason to change the operation of the campground.  Ken gave campers some insight to plans to extend the campground and all the red tape he was dealing with. Ken was very informative and we all appreciate him taking time for that.  Thank you Ken.

During October campers presented Tom Jung with the banner that was voted on in September Camper Meeting.  We all enjoyed a very good breakfast.  As most of you know, Tom has helped make improvements to accommodate campers  and contributions to the campground.  He furnished his time and equipment to do so.  Campers decided to show appreciation by doing this.

The Halloween Party was very good.  The hayride had to be cancelled because of rain.  There were many games to enjoy.  Thank you to Kathee Cotrelll for running those games.  Maude and Claude also made an appearance.  Baby Ugly got pretty when she grew up and doesn’t hang around the area any more.  There were lots of great costumes and decorated pumpkins.  The judges had a very hard time picking winners.  Thank you to Tim and Paula Huddleston for performing that difficult task.  Under prettiest 1st place-Olivia Green, 2nd-Taylor Brandt, 3rd-Grace Mays.  Ugliest:  1st-Mike Brandt, 2nd-Angie Westergedes, 3rd-Brenda Brandt.  Most Original- 1st.- Tom Jung, 2nd-Pete Mays, 3rd-Reece Mummy.

Pumpkin Decorating:  Youth:  1st.-Lexi Marsh, 2nd-Levi Green, 3rd-Colton Bradley.   Adults:  1st-Lindsey Jung, 2nd-Rachel Mummy, 3rd-Billy Frey.

Taylor Brandt and Lexi Marsh won the dance contest for the youth.  Tom and Diana Jung won for the adults.

Guess the beans was won by Luke Green.

Everyone seemed to have a good time.  They enjoyed pizza and several varieties of desserts.

The end of year drawing was won by Joe and Lisa Lewber.  Thank you Reece Mummy for drawing that lucky ticket.

It has been a great year.  We have really enjoyed presenting all the activities.  We appreciate the great help and participation that made it so good.  We hope all of you enjoyed them as well. We extend a special thank you to those campers that did above and beyond to help us so much.  You are a great group of campers.  Thank you so much.

Have a great Winter and hope to see you January 2015 at the Winter get-together.

Financial Report— $1,878.18

The September breakfast was well attended and we did not run out of food this time. Everyone seemed to get enough to eat and enjoyed visiting with each other.

Labor Day week-end was great. The hog roast was really great. Thank you to Keith Craig, Skip Strawser and Dave Holsapple for being such great cooks. Thank you to Joan and Kelly for doing the 50/50. Thank you to Reece Mummy for drawing the ticket that made Nancy Rose the winner. Congratulations to Nancy. Thank you to Wendy and Kathy for doing the Monte Carlo. Those dedicated ladies ran a session at 3:00 then again at 7:00. They made $131.00 toward the activity fund. The poker run was a lot of fun. Bob Rose drew 1st place winning $12.00, Wanda drew 2nd place winning $8.00 and Dave Holsapple drew 3rd place winning $6.00. Thank you to Kathee Cotrell and Scott Hodgin for helping out with check stations. There were a lot of compliments on the KwikFire Band. Everyone seemed to really enjoy that band. There were still people enjoying when the finished performing. They also said they really enjoyed performing here and would like to do it again.

The September Camper meeting began with Jim Cull giving the financial report. The camper meeting was very well attended. Allen advised campers that the issue of requiring numbers was declined by Ken. There were quite a number of other issues presented by various campers. The campers requested Ken attend the October camper meeting. Ken tentatively agreed to attend. The issues, that campers had presented at the meeting was presented to Ken. Ken advised there would be no changes made in the operation of the campground. Ken advised Allen everything would remain the same as in the past.

There was a discussion about having the KwikFire Band back again next year. The campers voted to do so. There was mention of Tom Jung devoting his time and equipment to making the trail around the lake, usable for bikes, golf carts, jogging, etc. possible. Tim Huddleston hauled gravel and Tom cleared a path around the huge ruts. Even Allen trimmed some limbs. The trail is very nice and one is able to travel comfortably and enjoy nature. There was more cost than first anticipated. We are doing some extra events to help with some of the extra cost. Thank you guys, great job.

The October calendar was discussed. There will be a sausage pancake breakfast on October 4 from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. We will also have biscuits and gravy and coffee will be available. If you want a different drink bring your choice. There is no need to bring anything, but if you wish to do so please feel free. Come and enjoy the food and great company as this will be the last breakfast for this season.

The Halloween Party was discussed and scheduled for October 18 at 6:30. We had 13 pizzas last year and wasn’t quite enough. Campers decided to add a few more to make sure there is enough. Everyone that wants to decorate a pumpkin needs to do their own and have in for the judging by 7:00 P.M. There will be first, second and third prizes for the pumpkins. The hayrides will be from 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. and that same time youngsters will be able to trick or treat from camper to camper, if they wish to do so. The party will begin at 6:30 P.M. at the club house. Youngsters and adults can dress in costume, if they desire. First, second and third place prizes will be awarded for costumes in the categories of prettiest, ugliest and most original.

This has been a great camping season. We hope everyone enjoyed all the activities. You are a great group of campers. Please know, it isn’t us that makes this fun. It is all of you that help and support that makes that possible. Thank you to all of you. We really do appreciate all of you.

It is that time of year again to think about getting ready for Winter. The water will be turned off according to the weather. Hopefully we can go all the way to the end of October. You will be notified by e-mail when the water will be turned off. Please remember, you do not actually need water to winterize your camper.

Financial Report— $1973.33

Just a reminder Saturday 10:00 will be a camper breakfast. No need to bring anything, unless you desire to do so. There will be sausage and pancakes, biscuits and gravy. Every possible attempt will be made to make sure there is plenty of food for everyone.

Remember that Labor Day week-end is in August. Saturday, August 30, will be the hog roast. The dinner is at 5:00 P.M. Bring a covered dish to share and enjoy the meal.

We will have a band from 8:00-11:00, KwikFire, at the band shell. Then on Sunday will be a poker run at 1:00 P.M. Then Monte Carlo at 3:00 P.M.

At last month’s camper’s meeting: Ken had Allen present the idea of putting numbers on golf carts. A vote was taken. There were 9 campers in attendance. 7 campers voted for putting numbers on the carts, 1 camper voted against and 1 camper abstained. The vote was carried to put numbers on carts and reported to Ken.

Ken and Sue’s chicken dinner was very well attended and lots of great food. Thank you Ken and Sue.

Ron Pennybacker did Karaoke for us. We enjoyed a lot of great talents. Thank you Ron.

The youth from the cottages and mobile home park came over and helped us set up for game day. The help was greatly appreciated, since there is so much to do and it is not an easy job. Thank you to those youngsters. Game day went very well. It was well attended and everyone really seemed to enjoy it. There was plenty of food available.

A huge thank you to Denise Huffman for organizing and supervising the food service. Thank you to: Bonnie White, Toni Wombold, Marsha Schirtzinger, Cathy Cotrell for helping Denise. A big thank you to windy and Cathy for doing the cake walk and thank you to the campers that donated goodies for the cake walk. Thank you to AshleyYork for the face painting and Ken Wombold for the quarter drop. Thank you to Jim Cull and Joe Schirtzinger for supervising and taking care of the little ones in the moon walk and duck pond. Thank you to the campers that participated, it is all of you that make the things we do enjoyable and we could not do it without all of you. The parade was beautiful and many beautifully decorated golf carts. The egg toss was won by Paul Sendral and Cindy Fulton, they got trophies, man did they throw that egg a long way.

The musical golf cart game was won by: Josie and Tosha York. They got miniature golf carts. Thank you to all the campers for a great day. We made it before the rain.

Tim Brandt donated a PA system for campground use. It came in great for game day. Thank you Tim.

Campers decided to donate $100.00 to purchase gravel and a trailer to move gravel here. Tom and Diana Jung will donate their time and equipment to fill the holes in the trail on the north side of the campground. This will make it easier for people to walk or ride their golf carts to enjoy nature.

September Calendar

September 6 will be the camper’s meeting and bingo. This had to be moved up a week since the Fall Festival, at the state park, will be going on.

September 13 free week-end.

September 20 Weather permitting, pontoon cruise-in. Begin at 6:30 P.M. meet outside channel around lot #8.

September 27 Spaghetti supper. No need to bring anything unless you desire to do so. We will have spaghetti and bread.

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